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Hybrid offspring of the jackass (male ass) and the mare, much used and valued in many parts of the world as a beast of burden. The head, ears, croup, and tail resemble those of the ass, but in bulk and stature the mule resembles the horse, and seems to excel both its parents in sagacity, muscular endurance, surefootedness, and length of life. The hinny is the hybrid offspring of the jenny (female ass) and the stallion (male horse). It has a bushier tail and a heavier body than the mule and is by nature a more tractable animal. Male mules are generally sterile, but sterility is not a necessary consequence of hybridization. Female mules have been successfully crossed with horses or asses to produce foals.

Belgium Heavy Draft horse - Cleveland Bay - Clydesdale - Dutch Warmblood - Gelderlander - Holsteiner - Irish Draught - Lippizaner - Missouri Fox Trotter - Morgan Horse - Mule - Mustang - Oldenburger - Palomino - Percheron - Peruvian Paso - Pinto - Quarter Horse - Selle Francais - Standardbred - Tarpan - Tennessee Walker - Trakehner - Ungulate (onevenhoevigen) - Zebra