bronco, small, semiwild horse of Mexico and the western plains of
the United States. Descendants of Arabian and barb horses brought
to North America by Spanish explorers in the 16th century and
later combined with other breeds, mustangs adapted themselves to
the western habitat and multiplied in large numbers. Subsequently
many of them were captured, domesticated, and bred by native
Americans, most notably the Cayuse people. These domesticated
horses became known as Indian ponies or, in the northwestern
U.S., cayuses. They had remarkable endurance and intelligence and
were valued as saddle ponies. Today the several thousand mustangs
that remain in the wild are threatened with destruction by
ranchers who claim they damage grazing lands; they are also
rounded up and used for dog food.
Belgium Heavy Draft horse - Cleveland Bay - Clydesdale - Dutch Warmblood - Gelderlander - Holsteiner - Irish Draught - Lippizaner - Missouri Fox Trotter - Morgan Horse - Mule - Mustang - Oldenburger - Palomino - Percheron - Peruvian Paso - Pinto - Quarter Horse - Selle Francais - Standardbred - Tarpan - Tennessee Walker - Trakehner - Ungulate (onevenhoevigen) - Zebra