Also known as the
Holsteiner, breed of athletic German warmblood horse (a cross
between heavy, northern European horses and light, swift desert
horses), popular for its success in competition. The Holstein is
a tall horse, standing about 163 to 175 cm (about 64 to 68 in, or
16 to 17 hands) high at the withers. (the high part of the back,
located between the shoulder blades). The back is straight, and
its legs and long, sloping shoulders are muscular. A well-shaped
neck carries a long, straight head. The Holstein has expressive
eyes, tall ears, and flared nostrils. Its gait resembles a
cat-like bounce. The Holstein coat is black, brown, bay
(reddish), chestnut (gold), or gray.} The Holstein originated in
the marsh country of the Elmshorn district in Germany. Catholic
monks developed it for war and sporting competition beginning in
the 14th century. The Holstein influenced other German warmbloods
as well as other European horse breeds from the 16th to the 18th
centuries. The original Holstein was good tempered with a noble
bearing, but slow and rather homely. In the early 19th century,
it was crossed with the Thoroughbred horse to correct these
problems, and with the Yorkshire coach horse to develop higher
leg action in its gait. The Holstein later became a popular
riding and coach horse throughout Europe, and was used as an
artillery horse and a second mount for cavalry soldiers. In the
1960s the Holstein was improved through selective breeding to
produce a more athletic horse with flowing gait, well suited for
competitive three-day horse events, jumping, pulling carts, and
dressage (guiding a horse through a series of complex maneuvers
with slight movements on the hands, legs, and weight of the
Akhal Teké - Andalusian - Appaloosa - Arabian - Ass - Australian Stock Horse - Bashkir Belgium Heavy Draft horse - Cleveland Bay - Clydesdale - Dutch Warmblood - Gelderlander - Hackney - Holsteiner - Paard (algemeen) - Irish Draught - Lippizaner - Missouri Fox Trotter - Morgan Horse - Mule - Mustang - Oldenburger - Palomino - Percheron - Peruvian Paso - Pinto - Quarter Horse - Selle Francais - Standardbred - Tarpan - Tennessee Walker - Trakehner - Ungulate (onevenhoevigen) - Zebra -