known as the East Prussian horse, a breed of riding horse. The
Trakehner is considered by many to be the ideal competition horse
and Europe's best warmblood (a horse displaying the lighter,
faster qualities of the Arabianand other desert horses). The
athletic-looking Trakehner is a tall horse, standing about 163 to
173 cm (about 64 to 68 in, or 16 to 17 hands) high at the withers
(the high part of the back, located between the shoulder blades).
The back is straight, the chest deep, and the shoulders well
muscled. The legs are muscular with well-defined tendons. A long,
well-formed neck carries the straight head. The Trakehner has a
gentle face and lively eyes. It usually is colored black, brown,
chestnut (gold), bay (reddish), and rarely, gray. The Trakehner
is a direct descendant of the tarpan, a primitive horse. It was
developed first by the Order of Teutonic Knights in East Prussia
(now Poland) in the 13th century. The knights used the hardy
Schweiken pony as the base for the Trakehner. In 1732, King
Frederick William I established a royal stud farm at Trakehnen,
from which this breed later received its name. The first
Trakehners were bred as carriage horses, but soon the emphasis
changed to development of a riding horse for nobility that also
was suitable as a mount for cavalry soldiers. In the early 19th
century, Arabian and Thoroughbred horses were crossed with
Trakehners to improve the breed. The Trakehner almost was
exterminated during World War II (1939-45), but the breed was
restored in West Germany (now Germany) after the war ended. It
now is bred in Germany, the United States, and Canada. The
Trakehner makes an excellent competitor. It excels in dressage
(guiding a horse through a series of complex maneuvers with
slight movements of the hands, legs, and weight of the rider) and
jumping, and also is a popular mount for cross-country and
endurance riding events.
Belgium Heavy Draft horse - Cleveland Bay - Clydesdale - Dutch Warmblood - Gelderlander - Holsteiner - Irish Draught - Lippizaner - Missouri Fox Trotter - Morgan Horse - Mule - Mustang - Oldenburger - Palomino - Percheron - Peruvian Paso - Pinto - Quarter Horse - Selle Francais - Standardbred - Tarpan - Tennessee Walker - Trakehner - Ungulate (onevenhoevigen) - Zebra